Kia Ora. Welcome.
We carve the things which have been walked over and unnoticed giving them new life and revealing their inner beauty knowing they are already precious.
We warm them with memories and fill them with our aspiration that they reach their full potential for we believe in them.
Each one of our stones is a testimony of love and care and so we give them value.
People and stones are similar in many ways.
Welcome. Please take your time to chose the right gift for that someone you care for.

Hand Crafted in Aotearoa NZ
Unique, exclusive, timeless.
Hand making wearable art in quality stones from Aotearoa and the world.
Crafted with love and passion, using materials from our Earth. Based in Lake Hāwea, South Island New Zealand.
In Aotearoa New Zealand we call Jade “Pounamu” or “Greenstone”.
There are 3 types of Jade families. These are known as Nephrite, Bowenite and the rare, expensive Jadeite.
While Nephrite and Bowenite are found in New Zealand, jadeite has only been found in Guatemala and Myanmar. Jadeite has a scratch hardness of 7.5 on the Moh’s scale, Nephrite 5.5 and Bowenite 3.5-4.
New Zealand nephrite Pounamu has been acknowledged as having some of the best colour in the world and it is still relatively inexpensive compared to Siberian, Russian or Chinese Jades.
Different cultures have different beliefs and practices concerning the quality of Jade. We leave the judgment to the beholder as we embrace the world.
A story behind every piece…
Walking in our luck
Walking to find a stone. The subject of luck.
Some clues for a novice rock hound.
Where to look, NZ stones, protection